
What makes a fantastic school even better? Access to funds that enable our educators to purchase materials they need teach our students more effectively!

Money raised by the PTA directly benefits Stowers Elementary by supporting educational needs throughout the school. It may be used to provide new science equipment because a teacher applied for a PTA grant to replace worn-out items. Or, students may have the opportunity to get fresh air as their class enjoys a lesson in the outdoor classroom. These, and more, are made possible from the PTA's fundraising efforts and help from our families.

Cattle Drive

The Cattle Drive is our Fun Run Donation Drive and is our biggest fundraiser of the year! Students fundraise for a specified period of time, raising funds with both per-student and per-family goals. The Drive culminates with a Run on our campus with fun and activities for everyone!

Parent Donation Drive 

Each year, the PTA sponsors the "Parent Donation Drive." This drive ensures that 100% of the monies raised are used to benefit every single teacher and student at Stowers Elementary. Our annual Donation Drive goal is $25,000 -- a total we can reach with the help of every Stowers family.

The PTA rewards students for their fundraising efforts by offering prizes at various donation levels. Information will be sent home near the beginning of each school year. To make a 100% tax-deductible donation, please fill out the PTA Donation Drive form and make checks payable to Stowers Elementary PTA.

Thank you for being a part of our fundraising team and ensuring we have the resources to support our school.

Business Sponsors

As a business sponsor, you will be recognized according to the sponsorship level you choose. Your donation, whether financial, in-kind, or service-oriented, is 100% tax deductible. We appreciate your support of the Stowers Elementary PTA and the local community. We look forward to the opportunity to partner with you for many years. 

We welcome any questions you may have about our PTA Sponsorship Program. Please email your questions to our VP of Ways and Means or PTA Sponsorship Chair.


Celebrate your child's birthday in an extra-special way with a shout-out on the digital marquee in front of the school, and a shout-out on the Morning Show! Reserve your date today by purchasing your birthday shout-out on the MemberHub store!


Mark your calendars for our annual Stowers Elementary Hoedown, hosted in the Fall. The Hoedown is a great family night filled with games, food, and fun! It serves as a school-wide fundraiser for each grade level. Each class designs their own activity and collects tickets from players. Money collected through the tickets is given directly to the grade level team.

Information about ticket pre-sales, activity booths, and volunteer opportunities will be provided near the time of the event, so stay tuned!

Don't miss out, and invite your family and friends to this fun event!


The Trash to Cash program is a lucrative fundraiser for Stowers Elementary simply by using products you may already have in your home. The Trash to Cash Program includes redeeming labels from Box Tops for Education and Tyson’s Project A+. This school year, our earning goal is $3,000 for both programs.

You do not have to have a student attending Stowers Elementary to participate in this fundraiser -- anyone can support Stowers, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and even next door neighbors!

  • Download the Box Tops mobile app and simply upload your receipt when you shop. It’s that easy!

  • Students may submit paper Box Tops in the collection bin in the front office (while they are still being printed on boxes). Make sure your Box Tops are in a sealed bag with the student's name, teacher's name, and the number of Box Tops in the bag. Students that turn in labels will earn prizes, parties, and awards throughout the year.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Expired Box Tops do not count and lose their value, so please turn them in before they expire. 

Amazon Smile

Amazon smile lets you support a charitable organization -- like the Stowers Elementary PTA -- while enjoying the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features of When you shop, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization you select. And, there's no cost to you!

  1. Visit to get started today.

  2. You'll be prompted to choose a charitable organization. Search "Stowers Elementary PTA" and select it from the choices.

  3. Start shopping! And, every time you shop, remember to use (instead of!